When Bad Listing Photos Keep Your Home From Being Shown
If you’ve had your New Orleans home on the market with few or no showings, it’s time to take a look at what’s going on to deter buyers from at least taking a peek at your property.
Real estate agents have long stressed the 3 P’s of selling your home
Price: Your home must be priced right, reflective of the condition and location. In a hot market, the right price can lead to multiple offers and a higher price than you thought you’d actually get. Start off with too high of a price and you’ll eventually have to reduce what you are asking, leaving buyers to wonder what’s wrong with your house.
Product: You are in complete control of the condition of your home. Are there little things that you know don’t work? Ultra personal paint colors? Shabby landscaping? Your agent should be giving you advice on changes that will increase your odds of selling. If you can’t/won’t make the changes, see the comments on price, which can overcome any shortcomings with a house.
Promotion: How your agent gets the word out to other agents and buyers. There’s more to promotion than just putting a listing in the MLS (multiple listing service) and crossing your fingers.
With all of this said, I’d like to add another P to the mix.
More specifically, bad listing photos.
I know if I were selling my own home, I’d be all over my agent for great photographs. We have buyers tell us all of the time that they will skip over listings that have no pictures or really poor pictures that don’t make them feel like it’s a place they could call home.
Heck, there’s even a website devoted to bad real estate photos, so if this is what’s going on with your listing, it’s time to have a heart-to-heart with your agent about what’s expected of them and get some buyers through the door.
Need a New Orleans real estate brokerage that takes marketing seriously? Call us at 504-327-5303 today and discover how we can help sell your home.
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